Castlegregory - Tralee
( Caisleán Ghriaire - Trá Lí )Distance: 27 km | Ascent: 300 m | Time: 6.5—8.5 hrs | Grade: Easy
Leaving Castlegregory, head slightly left through the Post Office Square and then left again following the waymarker at the crossroads going south west. Walk on the tarmac road for 1.8km where it then turns into a sand and gravel road and after a caravan park it reaches the tarmac road again at a wide right bend. Head straight on to reach Aughacasla and the main road the R560.
Turn left and walk along the main road for 200m where you will take another left and head all the way to the beach, crossing a small stream on the way. In case the tide is in when you reach the beach there is a ramp that you can take to bring you over the rocks, walk around the field edges keeping the fence to your left and after 250m here you will be heading away from the beach. Look for a gap in the brambles and after negotiating a stream you will cross a field back down to the beach. Continue along the beach all the way around the headland of Carrigagharoe Point where you go through a gap following the way marked path.
The windmill in Blennerville looking west
Go around a left hand bend at Kilgobbin Church and take a right to reach the main road R560 at Lower Camp. Cross the road, the R560, and go straight up the road, straight through the next crossroads until you reach a crossroads with Dingle Way signposts – three way signs here – take the route to the left marked Tralee.
Cross the Finglas River using the stepping stones and cross a tarmac road where you now follow the gravel road that turns into an uphill bohreen where you will then start to descend. You can turn left here to reach the main road for refreshments and return to this point. Carry on straight through the bohreen crossing 9 stiles, 2 streams and a small gate over the next 2km. You will meet a tarmac road and you will follow this to another stile to then descend a boggy bohreen for 1.4km as far as a sharp right bend. Next comes a narrow path, crossing yet another stile while you continue to climb where you will see some great views over Derrymore ‘Island’. Your climb is nearly over once you see a sign for a turn off to the main road the N86.
Begin your descent by veering right along the railway sleepers and come all the way down to Derrymore River Bridge. The path meanders up and down crossing through two stiles and passing a slender standing stone. A steep climb to the right is in front of you here heading south east eventually bringing you down to cross the Derryquay River. A rocky surface lies in front of you here and another short climb bringing you into the Curraheen River valley where you will see Blennerville Windmill. Cross the Curraheen River and descend crossing three streams and passing through a gate to reach the tarmac road.
Turn left and follow the road south downhill for 1.2km to a T-junction and turn right. Continue along going east for about 1.5km and at the next junction turn left. After 700m you will reach Blennerville sportsfield bearing left where you join the main Tralee to Dingle road, the N86. Cross the N86 and turn right crossing two bridges where you cross the road to pick up the canal walk. At the end of the canal walk, 1.5km, turn right to reach the N86. Take a left here and another left at the roundabout. Cross the road here and cross through the car park and through a gap at the end then turning right you will eventually reach the Ash Memorial Hall where your Dingle Way experience began a number of days ago.
Looped Walks
Glanteenassig Wood, near Aughacasla
Choice of Walks
Glanteenassig is a 450 hectare area of Coillte woodland, mountain, lake and peatland, situated in a sheltered valley among the Slieve Mish mountains. To reach it, the visitor must step off the beaten track, travel up the valley and feel the remoteness of the mountains. Behind the trees the area abounds with streams, lakes, waterfalls and dramatic cliffs which characterize this untamed landscape